Project 1 Research Poster (Capturing, Experiencing and Analyzing the Place) is a combination of group and individual project. As for the group work of this project, students are required to produce a research poster. As for the individual part, each student required to produce at least 2 sketches of the site for the research poster. In a group of 5 people, we are given a theme for this project which is, Constructed Landscape and we are required to select a site that is relevant to the theme and conduct a site analysis. The site that we have selected was Titiwangsa Lake Garden which is suitable for the theme, Constructed Landscape. In this project, we analyzed the site based on the Elements of Legibility of Kevin Lynch's of nodes, paths, districts, edges and landmarks. We also have to analyze and interpret the social, cultural and urban facets of the site in relation to architectural and the built environment. As for the individual sketches, I am required to sketch out the natural environment of Titiwangsa Lake Garden. The purpose of the sketches are to capture the important scenes and elements of the site which able to express certain experiences or emotions of the site in relation to Constructed Landscape.
Project 2, Integration project is an individual project which combined with the final project of Architecture Design Studio V. The aim of this project is to enable students to understand the principles of day lighting, artificial lighting and Permanent supplementary artificial lighting of the interior (PSALI) systems. This project requires students to apply and integrate these three lighting systems for the community library design of Architecture Design Studio V. Students would also have to solve design problems regarding lighting design through these three lighting systems to create a comfortable and suitable environment for reading and other activities within the library. To add on, the project also test on the understanding of calculation methods for average daylight factor for day lighting and lumen method for artificial lighting. Furthermore, Students also produce a presentation board which consists of floor plans and sections which shows the integration of day lighting, artificial lighting and PSALI strategies of the community library design. Besides that, students also must produce a report that documents all lighting strategies design, calculations and drawings.